Reductions in the percentage of dietary fat in isocaloric diets from approximately 40% to 20% has.

Satiety and fat loss generally improve with lower carbohydrate diets; specifically with higher protein to carbohydrate ratios 44 - 49 In terms of performance and health, low carbohydrate diets are not necessarily as detrimental as typically espoused 50 In a recent review, it was recommended for strength athletes training in a calorically restricted state to reduce carbohydrate content while increasing protein to maximize fat oxidation and preserve LBM 28 However, the optimal reduction of carbohydrate and point at which carbohydrate reduction becomes detrimental likely needs to be determined individually. The collective agreement among reviewers is that a protein intake of 1.2-2.2 g/kg is sufficient to allow adaptation to training for athletes whom are at or above their energy needs 23 - 28 , 35 - 38 However, bodybuilders during their contest preparation period typically perform resistance and cardiovascular training, restrict calories and achieve very lean conditions 2 - 6 , 17 - 21 Each of these factors increases protein requirements and when compounded may further increase Nitric Boost XL protein needs 33 Therefore, optimal protein intakes for bodybuilders during contest preparation may be significantly higher than existing recommendations. While greater deficits yield faster weight loss, the percentage of weight loss coming from lean body mass (LBM) tends to increase as the size of the deficit increases 7 , 13 - 15 In studies of weight loss rates, weekly losses of 1 kg compared to 0.5 kg over 4 weeks resulted in a 5% decrease in bench press strength and a 30% greater reduction in testosterone levels in strength training women 16 Weekly weight loss rates of 1.4% of bodyweight compared to 0.7% in athletes during caloric restriction lasting four to eleven weeks resulted in reductions of fat mass of 21% in the faster weight loss group and 31% in the slower loss group.

In the United States, over 200 amateur natural (drug tested) bodybuilding contests occurred during 2013 and the number of contests is expected to increase in 2014 1 Preparation for bodybuilding competition involves drastic reductions in body fat while maintaining muscle mass. Natural bodybuilders are Different for bodybuilding supplements Underground Supplements, try our underground bodybuilding supplements that really work. Natural bodybuilders do take bodybuilding supplements.

They want to increase their muscles strength and supplements are very useful in increasing muscle mass. Bodybuilders use supplements of many kinds like protein powder, testosterone booster, health supplements and much more. While protein is one of the most essential of the broader nutrient groups for muscle growth, a balanced nutritional intake is vital for good health and building both strength and stamina.